Welcome to the first entry of 4W's blog for 2010. What a hectic first term we have had.

After a short getting to know you period we got stuck into lots of hard work. Our focus has been developing our reading stamina so we can read quietly for longer periods and on thinking about what we are reading. Our slogan is "Readers are Thinkers". This means we not only read the words but are able to think about what we are reading, ask ourselves questions, make predictions about what might happen and make connections to ourselves, other books and to the real world. We are showing our thinking in our "Reading Reflection Journals" by writing letters to Mr Wynde about what we are reading. This helps us understand what we read. Of course we are also doing lots of practise at home!

In maths we have learnt to read and write numbers to 1 million,, consolidated our addition and subtraction skills, created some fantastic column graphs and extended our knowledge of polygons.
Our multidisciplinary topic has been " Where Do We Come From?" Did you know our families come from 18 different countries? We have learned about how multicultural Australia is and how other cultures have made Austalia a more interesting place to live. Thanks to Xera's mum Argentina, Ashna's dad Hitesh and Caitlin's grandpa John for sharing their immigration stories with us. Their talks were very interesting and gave us a first hand account of a migrant's experiences. We are busy preparing our research to present to the class.

We prepared the vegie patch and planted some lettuce, cabbages and broccoli.

Our daily PE sessions and the cross country have helped to keep us fit.

Students of the Week.
Congratulations to our Students of the Week so far: Stephen, Isabella, Hamish, Caitlin B, Blake and Sharielle. These students have been great contributors to our class.

Whew! I think we're all ready for a holiday!